Pickled Tassel Hyacinth
Pickled Tassel Hyacinth

This is a kind of wild onion

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Tassel hyacinth bulbs are a type of wild onion. Those familiar with them gather them in spring when they are in bloom. In some villages of Crete, they harvest their purple flowers and use them to make sfougato (Cretan omelette). To preserve the tassel hyacinth bulbs, they pickle them, making this pickle an excellent meze that is a staple on any authentic Cretan table.


  • 2 kilograms tassel hyacinth bulbs

  • Salt

  • Vinegar

  • Olive oil


Peel the tassel hyacinth bulbs like onions and place them directly into a container filled with water. For large bulbs, make a light crosswise cut at the root point with a knife.

After peeling them, wash the tassel hyacinth bulbs well and place them in a pot with plenty of water. Bring the pot to a boil and let them boil for five minutes.

Remove the pot from the heat, discard the water, and add fresh water. Return the pot to the heat and allow it to boil again for another five minutes.

Once again, remove the pot from the heat and discard the water. If you prefer the bulbs to retain some bitterness, refill the pot with enough water to cover them. Additionally, add vinegar according to your preference for acidity, along with the desired amount of salt. It is recommended to avoid overcooking them and ensure they remain crispy.

Remove the pot from the heat and allow the bulbs to cool.

Place the tassel hyacinth bulbs in jars and pour the water-vinegar mixture from the pot over them to cover them. Finally, add a small amount of oil to cover the surface, then seal the jars tightly.

Lena Igoumenaki

President of the Cretan Cuisine Festival Association