Prickly Pear or Indian Fig
Prickly Pear or Indian Fig

Inside its barbed armour it hides a delicious and juicy fruit!

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Prickly pear or Indian fig, as it's commonly known, is the beautiful perennial cactus that bears a remarkably special fruit.

Despite its prickly exterior, the prickly pear conceals a tasty and succulent fruit within.

We gather them early in the morning or late in the afternoon when their thorns are softer.

After washing them thoroughly, we clean their outer peel by gently scraping it with a fork or pinching it.

Using a knife, we trim off both ends. Then, we make an incision in their prickly armour from end to end and carefully open them up.

The Indian fig is also an excellent choice for hedging, as its branches contain a high water content. They were traditionally planted along the edges of houses or fields, forming a natural barrier against fires.