Chickpeas with Yachnera: A Delightful Dish
Chickpeas with Yachnera: A Delightful Dish
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  • 500 grams chickpeas
  • 1 kilogram *yachnera
  • Finely chopped fennel
  • 1 large onion, sliced
  • 1/2 cup olive oil
  • Salt


Place the chickpeas in salted water to soak overnight.

The following day, boil the chickpeas in a large pot until they are softened adequately, but still retain their shape.

Wash the yachnera thoroughly, drain in a colander, and then proceed to cut them into pieces.

Pour olive oil into a clean pot, then add the onion and chickpeas. Let them sauté briefly before adding the fennel and a small amount of water.

Once the chickpeas are partially cooked, season with salt to taste. If needed, add a splash of the chickpea broth, then introduce the yachnera. Cover the pot and allow it to simmer for an additional 15 minutes or so.

Cretan Local Dialect

yachnera: wild or cultivated greens

Lena Igoumenaki

President of the Cretan Cuisine Festival Association