Those are the moments in nature that evoke immense emotion and satisfaction.
By Manolis Afrathianakis*
It was a typical morning in late September 2022. Accompanied by friends and fellow enthusiasts of Crete's wild flora, including Antonis Alibertis and Marinos Gogolos, we were travelling through Arkalochori in the heart of the Heraklion prefecture. As we passed through the area, we noticed small clusters of plants breaking the arid and monotonous landscape. Intrigued, we exchanged glances and immediately grabbed our cameras. This particular plant seemed distinct from the well-known wildflowers of Crete.
Later in the afternoon, we conducted a thorough investigation. With the assistance of specialists Lefteris Kalpoutzakis, Sotiris Alexiou, and Ralf Jahn, the plant was identified as Colchicum balansae - Balansa Colchico (Photos 1 – 5), named in honour of the French botanist Benetict Balansa. It's worth mentioning that a plant was carefully uprooted for research and identification purposes but was subsequently replanted in its original location. In photos 4 and 5, you can observe the impressive 45 cm long root of the plant, with the bulb at its base.
Synonym: Colchicum candidum - Colchicum white.
Flowers whitish or pink. It blooms from late August to October.
It grows in the Dodecanese, Samos and Southwest Asia Minor (Photo 6: Distribution map)
Therefore, a new species has been incorporated into the wild flora of Crete. A colchicum from the Colchicaceae family, bringing the total to six species from this family that thrive in Crete (Photo 7).
In a location intertwined with numerous memories from my childhood, this treasure was discovered—a place tested by the significant earthquake of September 2021. It's as if nature sought to alleviate the destruction, if only by a little bit.
*Mathematician at the Evening High School of Heraklion
Amateur scholar of the wild flora of Crete
The flora of Crete
Greek Sage
Cretan Oregano or Cretan Marjoram
Cretan Zelkova
Carob Tree (Ceratonia Siliqua)
The Cretan Date Palm
Kermes Oak (Quercus Coccifera)
Sand Lily, Sea Lily (Pancratium Maritimum)
Cretan Cyclamen
The Cretan Cephalanthera
Phoenician Juniper and Large-Fruited Juniper
Gallipoli Rose
Natural Monuments
Lilac Wonder (Tulipa doerfleri)
Olive tree of Samonas
Preserving the Heritage: Ancient Olive Trees of Crete
The Ancient Olive Tree of Vrysses, Amari
Bali's Ancient Olive Tree: Documented in Preservation Efforts
Gra Elia (The Old Olive Tree)
The Ancient Olive Tree of Kato Asites: Host to the 1st Olive Festival
Sitia's Ancient Olive Tree: A Record of Preservation Initiatives
Asperula Crassula
Carlina diae, Carlina of Dia
Anthemis Filicaulis, Slender-stemmed Chamomile
Dianthus Fruticosus Subsp. Sitiacus
Silene Holzmannii
Carlina Sitiensis
Bellevalia Sitiaca
Limonium Sitiacum
Viola Scorpiuroides
The Ancient Olive Tree of Kakodiki
Common Basil
Chaste tree
Cretan Rockrose
Ophrys Sitiaca
The Ancient Olive Tree of Viannos: Unveiling a Treasured Discovery
The Ancient Olive Tree of Fourfouras
Androcymbium Rechingeri
Autumn Lady's-tresses
Tournefort Crocus
Orchis Sitiaca
Ancient Olive Tree in Kouroutes
Mediterranean Meadow Saffron