Kermes Oak (Quercus Coccifera)
Kermes Oak (Quercus Coccifera)

The kermes oak tree typically displays a bushy growth pattern, reaching a height of up to 2 metres.

In Crete, you can find various types of kermes oak trees, including the evergreen kermes oak, the pseudo-kermes oak, and the dwarf kermes oak.

The kermes oak tree (Quercus coccifera) also known as holly is among the most prevalent trees in the mountainous regions of Crete. These oak trees flourish in the rocky and arid soils of the island, displaying a robust and resilient nature. The largest recorded kermes oak tree can be found in Theriolako of Katharo, while a significant population thrives in the Rouvas forest.

The kermes oak tree typically exhibits a bushy growth pattern and rarely attains a significant height, generally remaining under 2 metres tall. It features densely branched structures with abundant leaves and produces large acorns. In Crete, you can find various types of kermes oak trees, including the evergreen kermes oak, the pseudo-kermes oak, and the dwarf kermes oak.

The trunk of the kermes oak tree is known for its exceptional durability, and it contains tannin, a substance commonly used in the tanning process. Additionally, the fruits of the kermes oak serve as a source of food for goats.

Photo: Unsplash