Greek Sage
Greek Sage

The aroma it emits is truly exquisite!

This herb is grown for its medicinal properties and is utilised both as a decoction and a seasoning.

One of the most prevalent herbs in Crete, it can be found abundantly.

It blossoms in May and June, displaying vibrant purple-blue flowers.

Greek Sage (Salvia fruticosa) is present in various regions of Greece, particularly in dry and stony locations. It is commonly used as a medicinal beverage, though it should be noted that in some cases, it may have side effects.

It is grown for its medicinal properties and is utilised both as a decoction and a seasoning.

The decoction should be consumed immediately after boiling. If allowed to sit with the boiled leaves for an extended period, the bitter compounds within the decoction intensify, resulting in an unpleasant taste.

In culinary applications, it serves as a flavouring agent for broths, various dishes, and vinegar. Additionally, it is recognised as a plant beneficial to beekeeping, yielding vintage honey.

Info: Wikipedia

Photo: By Babette Landmesser Via Unsplash