Autumn Lady's-tresses
Autumn Lady's-tresses

Spiranthes spiralis

The only orchid in Crete that blooms in autumn

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This small orchid is the sole orchid in Crete that blossoms in the autumn. It is a Euro-Atlantic plant with a broad distribution in Europe. While it spreads throughout Greece, you can only find it in a few locations in Crete.

The leaves form rosettes at the base of the plant. The inflorescence, bearing small crystalline white flowers, is arranged in a spiral pattern, a characteristic from which the plant derives its botanical name (Spiranthes spiralis).

It thrives in stable plant communities with limestone soils, and in Crete, you can spot it blooming from September to November. Look for it in scrublands, forest clearings, and meadows.

Kalliopi Borboudaki, Chemical Engineer MSc, creator of the website