Eleonora's Falcon
Eleonora's Falcon
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It faces endangerment due to various factors, including climate change, as the conditions in its breeding habitats worsen. Additionally, the Eleonora's Falcon is under pressure from invasive species in its breeding colonies.

The Eleonora's falcon (Falco eleonorae*) is one of the most significant bird species in Greece, as our country, and particularly the islands and islets of the Aegean, host more than 85% of the total breeding population of the species worldwide.

This is a medium-sized migratory falcon with dark colouring and long wings. It measures 36-40 cm in length, with a tail extending 14-18 cm, and boasts an impressive wingspan of 110-130 cm.

Adults exhibit two colour phases: a dark, nearly all-black phase, and a more prevalent light phase in which the body is a light reddish-brown with elongated streaks.

It feeds primarily on large insects such as butterflies, flying ants, dragonflies, cicadas, and beetles. Due to limited food availability, the species is compelled to cover extensive distances, often venturing into arable lands and wetlands of the major islands and mainland Greece. From the following season until October, it exclusively preys on migratory birds, a theoretically inexhaustible food source.

It faces endangerment due to various factors, including climate change, as the conditions in its breeding habitats worsen. Additionally, the Eleonora's Falcon is under pressure from invasive species in its breeding colonies.

Information: http://www.lifefalcoeleonorae.gr/

Text editing: DiscoverCrete Editorial Team

Photos: Dretakis,M. / Natural History Museum of Crete – University of Crete - Wikipedia