Balkan Whip Snake
Balkan Whip Snake

It typically exhibits basic colouring in tones of grey or olive-brown.

This snake is known for its speed and nervous temperament.

The Balkan Whip Snake (Hierophis gemonensis) is a slender, medium-sized snake, typically of a length that rarely exceeds one metre.

It typically exhibits basic colouring in tones of grey or olive-brown.

This snake is characterised as fast and nervous, actively hunting at ground level while displaying adept climbing skills on bushes and low trees. Its diet consists primarily of lizards, invertebrates, and small rodents, but it can also prey on small snakes or bird chicks.

The conservation status of the species is categorised as favourable.


Text editing: DiscoverCrete Editorial Team

Photos: Georgiakakis,P. / Natural History Museum of Crete – University of Crete