Agia Roumeli – Sfakia

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Agia Roumeli – Sfakia

E4 Trail

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GRADE intermediate


Commencing from Agia Roumeli and concluding in Sfakia along the E4 European Path, this trail stands as one of the most celebrated routes, offering a moderate level of challenge and being well-suited for youngsters aged 12 and above.

During the summer, numerous tourists embark on this journey, as well as the entire E4 trail, stretching from Elafonisi to Sfakia. Along the path, you'll find flats for lodging and tavernas for dining. However, what truly captivates are the exquisite beaches with their crystal-clear, azure waters perfect for swimming. Starting from Agia Roumeli, where the Samaria Gorge concludes, the coastal segment of E4, marked with yellow and black indicators, proceeds towards Sfakia.

We commence our journey from the exit of the Elygia Gorge, which leads us to the northern section of the E4 trail at Katsiveli refuge, and then proceed towards the summit, Pachnes. Shortly after exiting the gorge, we encounter the Agios Pavlos chapel, a Byzantine structure dating back to the 10th century. At this point, a more difficult path crosses the road that leads to the settlement of the same name, while right next to it, there is a taverna where one can enjoy food and drinks. The path then continues above the chapel, following the E4 trail along the rugged coastline, leading us to the exit of the Aradena Gorge and the serene Marmara Beach. From Marmara, the trail carries on to the settlement of Lykos, where the path will lead you through houses, and passes by the picturesque harbour of Finikas. Along this route, we eventually reach the charming village of Loutro, accessible solely by boat. Note that from Finikas to Loutro there is a more passable path around the bay.

Leaving Loutro behind, the trail carries on towards the stunning Glyka (Glika) Nera Beach, which boasts pebbled shores, three to four small natural freshwater pools, and parasols. When departing from the trail onto the asphalt road, one should exercise caution, despite the installation of protective ropes. Following the uphill stretch, we encounter the asphalt road that links Anopoli to Sfakia. Continuing along this asphalt route, we pass by the Ilingas beach before ultimately arriving at the town of Chora Sfakion.

Alternatively, you can opt for the route starting from Chora Sfakion. There's a boat service linking Agia Roumeli to Sfakia, along with several taxiboats available. It's advisable to have sturdy hiking boots and sunscreen with you, especially considering that summer temperatures can soar significantly along the entire trail.

Key attractions along this route include Agios Pavlos, Marmara Beach, Lykos (Likos) Beach, Finikas Beach, and the enchanting Glyka (Glika) Nera Beach.

Photos 19-32 and information: Crete on the rocks



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