Chania: Discover Eco-Friendly Adventures Through Trails and Gorges!

Author Discover Crete


Explore the Municipality of Chania: Unveiling both visible and hidden beauties!

International Earth Day is observed annually on 22nd April. However, in Chania, a three-day celebration has been planned, inviting nature enthusiasts to join in! 

The aim is dual-fold: participants will acquaint themselves with the countryside of the Municipality while simultaneously engaging in voluntary cleanup activities.

Here are the scheduled excursion dates:

  • Sunday 14th April 2024, starting at 10:00 am: Traverse the Cyclades Gorge, meeting at the Vante entrance of the gorge.

  • Sunday 21st April 2024, beginning at 10:00 am: Embark on the Therisso – Aliakes – Monoskafidi trail, meeting at Therisso Square.

  • Sunday 28th April 2024, commencing at 10:00 am: Conclude the excursions with the Katochori- Diktamo- Stylos path, meeting at Katochori square.

This initiative is spearheaded by the Municipality of Chania, with support from the Community Waste Management Enterprise, the Association of Mountain Guides of Crete, the Greek Mountaineering Club of Chania, and the Greek Red Cross.

  • Explore the wonders of the Municipality of Chania HERE.

  • Discover the gorges of Crete HERE.

  • Explore the villages of Crete HERE.

  • Plan a weekend of history and action in Therisso, a charming village of Chania HERE.