The National Park of Samaria will remain closed

Author Discover Crete


The Natural Environment & Climate Change Agency announced that taking into account (a) the Emergency Weather Deterioration Bulletin of the Hellenic National Meteorological Service, (b) the instructions of the General Secretariat of Civil Protection for taking measures to protect visitors fromhigh temperatures, (c) the meteorological forecasts for expected high temperatures in the National Park of Samaria and  the wider area, (d) the need to protect working equines based on circular no. 1041/220058/11-07-2023 of the Ministry of Rural Development and Food and (e) the need to achieve the best possible level of safety for visitors, workers and the natural environment of the National Park of Samaria, for three days - from Wednesday June 12th until Friday June 14th 2024 - the National Park will remain closed from both entrances.For any new announcements please visit our website

Photo: Incrediblecrete