Mountaineering Club of Agios Nikolaos

The Mountaineering Club of Agios Nikolaos Lasithiou was founded in 2015.

Founding members of the club are individuals who used to hike as an informal group in previous decades and have documented most of the hiking and mountaineering routes not only in the regional unit of Lasithi but also in the wider area.

The main activity of the club is the organization of mountaineering and hiking routes in mountainous and semi-mountainous areas every Sunday.

For each hike, a responsible leader is appointed, who is familiar with the route and its peculiarities and ensures the safe execution of the activity. The annual membership fee is €10, and there are no other financial burdens for the members, as participation in Sunday hikes is free. Club members are informed about the details of each hiking route via email and announcements in the media (both print and electronic).

Most hikes take place in the regional unit of Lasithi, but also in other regional units of Crete, and recognition hikes have been organized in other parts of Greece by club members. Additionally, the club participates in events organized by other bodies in Crete that are related to the purposes of the club.

The club is a member of the Panhellenic Federation of Mountaineering and Climbing Clubs (O.F.O.E.S.E.).

Anapafseos 44 (Plaz E.O.T), Agios Nikolaos, Postal Code 72100 


For more information, visit here and here.