Women's Cooperative of Kritsa

Here, the scent guides the visitor to the... right spot!

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Women's Cooperative of Kritsa

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Women's Cooperative of Kritsa

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The Women's Cooperative of Kritsa has been operating since 2009.

It is an effort embraced by all the residents of the area, as well as locals who extend beyond the geographical boundaries of Kritsa. However, within them, a flame remains alive: the love for their homeland!

The president of the cooperative, Maria Simaiaki, tells us that the goal was and is twofold: to promote Kritsa as it deserves, to highlight local products, and to showcase what women actually do when they are at home, an activity that has not been recognized as it should.

So, Kritsa rightfully claims a place in the pantheon of gastronomy!

With the appropriate support from the State, women of the village joined forces and, above all, their passion, exchanged recipes, and today offer locals and visitors a variety of delights!

If you are lucky enough to surrender to the scent - which will surely lure you like a Siren - do not forget to ask for the famous myzithropites. It doesn't resemble anything else you've tried elsewhere. The "secret" lies in the way they are prepared, but we won't reveal it to you!

When you make a stop there, be prepared: you will leave with many fragrant bags!

Wherever you come from, your expectations will be met, and as we say... you'll be licking your fingers!

Features have also been made in international media, and the Cooperative has hosted distinguished guests and has awards in its collection.

However, the most important reward, the one that doesn't adorn any wall but only the heart is as follows: 'I remember, a woman came to the Cooperative, and when she left, she kissed my hands, congratulating me for what we do,' describes Mrs. Simaiaki.

Do you want to experience it? Go to Kritsa!

The cooperative is open from Monday to Saturday, from 8 in the morning until 8 in the evening.

The contact phone number is 2841 051111, and here, you will get a taste of what the Women's Cooperative of Kritsa is all about!


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Cooperatives of Gastronomy: Unveiling Crete's Culinary Heritage!