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Omega Divers: Exploring the Elephant Cave Dive


Immerse yourself in a captivating diving adventure consisting of two dives. The first takes you to the location of the lighthouse, while the second explores the breath-taking Elephant Cave. The entrance to the cave, located between 7.5 and 12 metres deep, spans approximately 9 metres in width. As you swim about 40 metres inside, a mesmerising sight awaits you—exquisite red-white stalagmites and stalactites that adorn the cave's interior. Prepare to enter a magnificent underwater paradise of vibrant colours and awe-inspiring natural formations.

The natural ‘décor’ inside the cave creates a truly enchanting atmosphere. Stunning white and red formations adorn the ceiling and floor, sparkling as they catch the light. The presence of these formations both above and below the water's surface is a testament to the cave's formation thousands of years ago, during a time when sea levels were much lower. Among the cave's treasures lie fossilised remnants of an elephant, including a vertebra, teeth, and a tusk. Additionally, the cave houses numerous deer bones, belonging to both regular-sized and pygmy deer, some measuring as short as 30 centimetres in height. These remarkable features make the Elephant Cave a fascinating site to explore.

DURATION 4,5 hours

GRADE intermediate

few clouds


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