discover crete

Dive from Kamini point to Agios Nikolaos with Creta's Happy Divers
working hoursMonday - Sunday: 09:00 - 19:00 (April - October)


The Kamini dive site is just a 15-minute boat ride from the diving base of Creta's Happy Divers. The depth ranges from 5 to 30 metres, making it perfect for both novice and seasoned divers, making it an ideal choice for the first dive of the day.

This diving location is sheltered from the wind, offering ideal diving conditions with calm waters, free from waves and currents. The seabed alternates between sandy stretches and vibrant coral reefs, with some parts of the reef even reaching the water's surface. It serves as a habitat for numerous small fish and octopuses. Occasionally, during the summer, larger fish can be spotted taking refuge on the reef.

An ancient anchor, measuring 2 metres in length, rests at a depth of 14 metres.

DURATION 2 hours

GROUP SIZE Any group size

GRADE easy

scattered clouds


wind direction