2 Days in Agios Nikolaos

Agios Nikolaos is a destination that seamlessly blends the traditions of Lassithi with contemporary allure.

A stroll through its marina, adorned with restaurants, shops, and a variety of activities stemming from there, is bound to captivate you.

The area boasts numerous beaches, each offering its own unique charm.

Be sure to include Kitroplatia in your itinerary—a place that harbours a fascinating history.

Don't miss the opportunity to marvel at the Horn of Amalthea, a sculpture thoughtfully designed and crafted by Nikos and Pantelis Sotiriadis in 2000. Also, take in the artistry of the Abduction of Europe, a creation by the Cretan director Nikos Koundouros.

On your second day, after relishing the refreshing dives offered by the beaches, consider a visit to the Archaeological Museum of Agios Nikolaos.

Photo: By Marina Vernicos